Learn to Skate – Free Skate (2021)

Learn to Skate – Free Skate (2021)


3 in stock


These lessons are for Youth or Adult skaters ages 6 and up who already have passed all of the Basic Skills levels and do not require physical assistance on the ice.

  • Fee is $150/6 weeks or $26/week for remaining number of weeks
  • Classes are on Saturdays from 11:45 am-12:45 pm beginning on 4/17/21. The lesson is 30 minutes with a 30 minute practice time surrounding the lesson.
  • Only skaters and one parent/guardian may be inside the building
  • Masks must be worn at all times inside the building
  • We strongly recommend bringing your own skates or contacting the Pro Shop in advance at 215-247-1759 ext. 16 to make an appointment to lease skates in advance. If you cannot provide your own skates, please indicate and provide skater’s sneaker size. Use of rental skates is included in the class fee.

Please see the complete class description, levels, details and Covid protocols at the bottom portion of this page.




Fee is $150/6 weeks or $26/week for remaining number of weeks
Classes are on Saturdays from 11:45 am-12:45 pm beginning on 4/17/21.

  • Skaters must be 6 years of age and up
  • Total maximum capacity including all levels is 50
  • Classes are for levels FS1 – FS6

All classes include 30 minute practice time and 30-minute lesson and rental skates. Skaters should dress warmly with a jacket, gloves, optional hat and helmet/bicycle helmet (required for skaters ages 6 and under).


  • To reduce maximum capacity limits inside the building, all registrations must be done online
  • Masks are required at all times on and off the ice
  • Limit to one parent allowed in the building
  • Enter the rink no more than 20 minutes prior to the session and exit within 10 minutes after the session
  • Skaters may use the chairs along the wall of the red entrance for tying skates. Only skater or parent may tie skates. Outdoor tent will also be available for skate tying.

Free Skate Curriculum

Each Free Skate level is divided into four sections: moves in the field, spins, dance/ footwork sequence, and jumps. The Free Skate levels are designed to give skaters a strong foundation on which to build their skills. This is the point where the skater can choose to pursue a recreational or competitive approach to the sport of figure skating.

PRE-FREESKATE (combination of Basic 7 and 8)

Forward inside open mohawk from a standstill position (R to L and L to R), Backward crossovers to a backward outside edge glides (landing position), clockwise and counterclockwise, Backward outside edge to a forward outside edge transition, clockwise and counterclockwise, Two forward crossovers into a forward inside mohawk, step down and cross behind, step into one backward crossover and step to a forward inside edge, clockwise and counterclockwise, Spins: One-foot upright spin, optional entry and free-foot position (minimum three revolutions), Jumps: Mazurka (R and L) G. Waltz jump


Advanced forward stroking, Basic forward outside & inside consecutive edges (4-6), Advanced back outside 3 turns clockwise & counterclock- wise, Scratch spin from back crossovers, Waltz jump from back crossovers, Half flip


Basic back outside & back inside consecutive edges (4-6, Forward outside & inside spirals, clockwise & counter clockwise (R & L), Continuous forward progressive chasse sequence – clockwise & counterclockwise, waltz threes R &L, Beginning back spin, waltz jump-side toe hop-waltz jump sequence, Toe loop


F & B crossovers in figure 8 pattern, Waltz 8, Advanced forward consecutive swing rolls (4-6), Backward inside 3turn R & L, Backspin w free foot in crossed leg position, Salchow, Half Lutz jump, Waltz jump -toe loop combo or Salchow-toe loop combo


Spiral sequence: FI spiral, FI Mohawk, BO Spiral – clockwise & counterclockwise, Forward power 3 turns: R &L, Continuous backward progressive, chasse sequence on a circle – clockwise & counterclockwise, Sit spin – 3 revolutions, Loop jump, Waltz jump-loop jump combination


Backward outside 3 turn, Mohawk into 3 back crossovers – repeat 3 times clockwise & counter- clockwise, Spiral sequence – Forward outside spiral, forward outside 3turn, 1 backward crossover, back inside spiral: clockwise & counterclockwise, Forward outside slide chasse swing roll sequence – 3–6 times, alternating feet, Camel spin – 3 revolutions min, Forward upright spin to back scratch spin – 3 revolutions, each foot, Loop/loop combo, Flip jump, Waltz jump-falling leaf-toe loop jump sequence


Alternating back crossovers to back outside edges, 5 step Mohawk sequence – clockwise & counterclockwise, Camel-sit spin combo– 4 revolutions total, Split or stag jump, Waltz jump-half loop-Salchow, Lutz jump, Axel – walk through, preparation, jump

Axel does not need to be landed to pass this test.

Additional information


Pre-Free Skate, Free Skate 1, Free Skate 2, Free Skate 3, Free Skate 4, Free Skate 5, Free Skate 6


SPRING SATURDAYS: 4/24/21-5/22/21, 11:45 am-12:45 pm

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